Keras 3 API documentation / KerasHub / Preprocessing Layers / MaskedLMMaskGenerator layer

MaskedLMMaskGenerator layer


MaskedLMMaskGenerator class


Layer that applies language model masking.

This layer is useful for preparing inputs for masked language modeling (MaskedLM) tasks. It follows the masking strategy described in the original BERT paper. Given tokenized text, it randomly selects certain number of tokens for masking. Then for each selected token, it has a chance (configurable) to be replaced by "mask token" or random token, or stay unchanged.

Input data should be passed as tensors, tf.RaggedTensors, or lists. For batched input, inputs should be a list of lists or a rank two tensor. For unbatched inputs, each element should be a list or a rank one tensor.

This layer can be used with to generate dynamic masks on the fly during training.


  • vocabulary_size: int, the size of the vocabulary.
  • mask_selection_rate: float, the probability of a token is selected for masking.
  • mask_token_id: int. The id of mask token.
  • mask_selection_length: int. Maximum number of tokens selected for masking in each sequence. If set, the output mask_positions, mask_ids and mask_weights will be padded to dense tensors of length mask_selection_length, otherwise the output will be a RaggedTensor. Defaults to None.
  • unselectable_token_ids: A list of tokens id that should not be considered eligible for masking. By default, we assume 0 corresponds to a padding token and ignore it. Defaults to [0].
  • mask_token_rate: float. mask_token_rate must be between 0 and 1 which indicates how often the mask_token is substituted for tokens selected for masking. Defaults to 0.8.
  • random_token_rate: float. random_token_rate must be between 0 and 1 which indicates how often a random token is substituted for tokens selected for masking. Note: mask_token_rate + random_token_rate <= 1, and for (1 - mask_token_rate - random_token_rate), the token will not be changed. Defaults to 0.1.


  • A Dict with 4 keys: token_ids: Tensor or RaggedTensor, has the same type and shape of input. Sequence after getting masked. mask_positions: Tensor, or RaggedTensor if mask_selection_length is None. The positions of token_ids getting masked. mask_ids: Tensor, or RaggedTensor if mask_selection_length is None. The original token ids at masked positions. mask_weights: Tensor, or RaggedTensor if mask_selection_length is None. mask_weights has the same shape as mask_positions and mask_ids. Each element in mask_weights should be 0 or 1, 1 means the corresponding position in mask_positions is an actual mask, 0 means it is a pad.


Basic usage.

masker = keras_hub.layers.MaskedLMMaskGenerator(
# Dense input.
masker([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])

# Ragged input.
masker([[1, 2], [1, 2, 3, 4]])

Masking a batch that contains special tokens.

pad_id, cls_id, sep_id, mask_id = 0, 1, 2, 3
batch = [
    [cls_id,   4,    5,      6, sep_id,    7,    8, sep_id, pad_id, pad_id],
    [cls_id,   4,    5, sep_id,      6,    7,    8,      9, sep_id, pad_id],

masker = keras_hub.layers.MaskedLMMaskGenerator(
    vocabulary_size = 10,
    mask_selection_rate = 0.2,
    mask_selection_length = 5,
    mask_token_id = mask_id,
    unselectable_token_ids = [